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E-books are more convenient than paper books (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays we face a permanent issue of what is better, e-books or paper ones. Some people claim that electronic books are more beneficial and convenient thing than paper books. So I would like to dwell on this problem.

From my perspective, I prefer electronic books and I believe they are much better. To start with, paper books usually weight a lot whereas e-books do not take a lot place and weight very little and it simplifies to carry them wherever we go.

esides, electronic books have a lot of entertaining features for kids to make them enjoy reading from the early age. Furthermore, instead of huge wastes for books from stores we can just buy an electronic book once and download everything for free whenever we want.

Nevertheless, some people argue that e-books are rather inconvenient and even harmful for us. They say that online reading terribly affects our eyesight.

Apart from that,

while we are reading paper books we can touch it and enjoy how it smells which makes the process so satisfying.

I strongly disagree with these statements. It is a sort of myth about any harm for our eyes that most of adults believe. Electronic books are equipped with special screen which makes no harm for us and we can read for hours. What is more, I believe we should not be so attached to paper books because contemporary gudgets will replace it sooner or later.

To sum it up, in spite of different opinions on this issue I still consider e-books better because they are really handy, much cheaper than paper books and able to teach children reading with its entertaining features.


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