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Some people think that you can have only one real friend (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

A great part of humanity cannot imagine their lives without friendship. One person thinks that it could be many friends, whereas others consider that man has one close friend during his lifetime. Now i am going to look at this problem from different angles

Personally I stick to the point that person can have more than one soulmate. To begin with, humans are social beings, so every day they feеl the need to communicate with others. During the communicating process there is a high probability to meet a person with a soul like yours. Looking back to my own experience, I can say that my life contains more than one true friend. These are such people I can be sure. They are totally sincere to me and would help me any time I needed help.

Nevertheless, there are people who think differently.

To their mind a person can have only one close friend. They think that existion of only one friend in a human's life allows them to spend more time with their soulmate.

y that way relations can become more close and honest. In their opinion modern world people are used to mix meaning of real “friend” with concept of the word “acquaintance”

There is a great deal of truth in what they say, however I cannot agree with their thoughts completely. I think that they simply had not a good fortune to meet several people who are to become true friends to them.

To sum up I would like to say that having a lot of true friends is a gift and it is a far preferable choice.


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