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The problem of the gender difference (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The problem of gender difference is very important nowadays. Here the people have divided into two sides. One side of the community thinks that boys and girls should study apart, and the other side thinks all people, regardless of gender, have to go to school together.

My opinion is all people need to be mixed at schools. Firstly, boys and girls need to learn how to contact each other, they must know how to talk to the opposite gender. It develops the skill of communication, which will help in the future, because almost every group of people, it doesn’t matter which one: job team or team of like-minded people has both genders. Furthermore, we live in a century, when tolerance is starting to get more important. The main idea of it is equality between men and women, it says we need to respect each other and don’t let stereotypes progress in the modern world.

And mixed schools will help to break this wall, so people can normalize that everyone can do what he/she wants regardless of his/her gender and doesn’t get embarrassed.

However, there exists another point of view. It says that boys and girls should study separately, only because of stereotypes, that say boys need to learn men stuff how and girls women things.

There is another point of view on this issue. I’m afraid I cannot agree because stereotypes are just foolish in the modern world. We need to leave them behind, so society can normalize enormous people preferences.

I believe that my opinion is right because humanity needs to watch in the future when the gender of people will not matter.

ut it is still a personal choice.


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