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Pupils exactly have the same rights to take part in important decisions as adults (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Pupils exactly have the same rights to take part in important decisions as adults. But there are people who think that children cannot understand some issues and make decisions themselves.

In my way of thinking, pupils have their own opinion so adults should listen to them too. To begin with, nowadays youth is getting more and more independent and aiming to express their thoughts on schools councils. Sometimes teachers do pupils advice and opinions but as for laws they should hear their version and include what they need. Furthermore, it is true that children can find something that teachers have never discovered so some their words will be useful to improve situations or cope with school problems.

To finish with, teenagers tend to show their personality so they try to suggest their own idea and hope that adults support them or give some hints to develop something. So, pupils want to have equal right to make their point to feel importance and relevance among adults.

Some people are sure that pupils should not wonder about difficult questions. To start with, children at their young age cannot make a right decision without adults helping and advice so their thoughts will be improper and a bit unnecessary to approve. Moreover, teenagers are occasionally irresponsible and they seem to be not ready to take part in serious conversations or debates. Most their thoughts are about their study marks, relationships or rest.

I partly agree with the opinion but I do not consider that pupils cannot resolve anything personally. They desire to help adults and be active and smart so they do their best. Hence, teens are responsive and they think about school events, problems and other important things. If adults ask them about helping they always be interested in process and loved to keep it up.

Summing up, I would like to say that adult should not forget that children want to show themselves too and always be involved in the work and busies of the school even if it looks difficult and unsolvable.


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