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40. Shopping online is better than shopping in the mall пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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The question of whether shopping online has more benefits than the usual way of shopping will always be controversial. Although many people believe that online shopping is convenient, others disagree.

In my opinion, online shopping is one of the best ways to buy things. Firstly, you do not have to go somewhere. You can be at home in your favorite blanket with a cup of tea, so it is not necessary to go to a mall. Secondly, if you are not convinced about your future purchase, you can take your time and think more because you can buy something in one click.

You do not have much time while shopping in a mall.

However, some people are not ready to share my point of view. They claim that online shopping is not an appropriate way for impulsive people. For instance, people who are keen on shopping can buy unnecessary goods which they would never buy in a usual mall because it is too big. Moreover, when you are doing shopping in a mall you can join your friends. The process of shopping will not be boring because you can spend time with them in a cafe, for example. Every mall has its food court to relax.

I cannot fully agree with the statement above. If a person is compulsive nothing can help them. They will shop around until they spend all their money, so there is no difference between ways of buying things. Additionally, the mall's food courts are always too crowded and full of noisy teenagers, so you cannot rest there as well.

To sum up, I believe that online shopping has more advantages.

Оценка эксперта:

K1- 0 баллов. Поэтому задание целиком оценивается в 0 баллов.

4 нераскрытых аспекта и 1 не полностью раскрытый аспект.

Тема звучит как онлайн шопинг лучше чем шопинг в торговом центре.


Although many people believe that online shopping is convenient, others disagree.

Во вступлении искажение темы. Онлайн шоппинг удобный.

2.Свое мнение

In my opinion, online shopping is one of the best ways to buy things.

Свое мнение также выражено не по теме. Онлайн шопинг один из лучших способов покупать вещи.

3.Мнение оппонентов

However, some people are not ready to share my point of view. They claim that online shopping is not an appropriate way for impulsive people.

В 3 абзаце появляется третья тема, онлайн шопинг не для импульсивных людей.

4. Контраргумент

Также не может быть засчитан, т.к.не засчитывается мнение оппонентов.

5. Заключение

To sum up, I believe that online shopping has more advantages.

Вывод не совсем по теме. Следует уточнить чего лучше шопинг онлайн.

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