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40. The success of education mostly depends on the teacher (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

13 из 14
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The question of whether the teacher influences your educational process will always be controversial. Although many people think that students' success depends only on themselves, others claim that a teacher plays an essential role.

In my opinion, people still have schools and tutors for a good reason. Firstly, a teacher can motivate a person to learn more about the subject. For instance, even ambitious people cannot be inspired by themselves.

Sometimes we do not know that we have an aptitude for a specific subject, but a teacher can give you directions. Secondly, some of us are not so hard-working. It means that such students need more control from the teacher's side. It will force you to work harder. It is necessary because, as we know, industriousness is the main factor of success.

However, not all people are ready to share my point of view. Nowadays, the role of a teacher is lower than it was before. That is because we can use the Internet to educate ourselves. It means that we do not need teachers anymore because we can achieve success without them. Moreover, teachers cannot help students who are not interested in their subject.

I cannot fully agree with the statement above. Albeit we have access to the Internet, it does not mean that the quality of education there is higher than the quality of traditional education. Additionally, everybody needs motivation from time to time. Teachers are the best motivators to achieve success in both study and real life.

To sum up, I believe that teachers are still important for our society because they will always be the wisest people we can meet.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 2 балла

1) В первом предложении несколько неверно сформулирована тематика – автор говорит о наличии влияния учителя на образовательный процесс как такового, тогда как следовало бы рассуждать о степени такого влияния.

2) В третьем абзаце информация подаётся не столько как мнение оппонентов, сколько как продолжение рассуждений автора.

К2 (организация текста) – 3 балла

Текст организован верно.

К3 (лексика) – 3 балла

1) the role of a teacher is lower than it was before – the role of a teacher is less important than it was before [Рекомендуется выполнить замену слова];

2) Во избежание тавтологии в третьем абзаце рекомендуется заменить второе слово because на since.

К4 (грамматика) – 3 балла

В тексте перед словом teacher используется то неопределённый, то определённый артикль без какой-либо явной закономерности. Думается, следует остановиться на одном варианте.

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 2 балла

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