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Письмо 1388 I’m going to join a youth science camp this summer. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)




Dear Ted,

I’m so glad to get your letter. Sorry that I couldn’t write you earlier as I was abroad.

As for summer camps, we have a lot of them in

ussia. For instance, sports-amusing camp “Okean”, is extremely popular with children from

ussian Far Eastern part. I’ve been to it and I loved it so much! In such camps kids can have friends from different

ussian cities. That’s awesome! Another educational youth camp worth visiting is “Artek”, since it is an international one and many

ussian teens want to check it out, not excluding me.

egarding your brother, what university has he entered? Does he enjoy it? He plans to do a student exchange, doesn’t he?

Sorry, I need to go, my tutor is coming.

Write back.



Words: 134

Dear Ted,

I’m so glad to get your letter.

Sorry that I couldn’t write you earlier as I was abroad.

As for summer camps, we have a lot of them in

ussia. For instance, sports-amusing camp “Okean”, is extremely popular with children from

ussian Far Eastern part. I’ve been to it and I loved it so much! In such camps kids can have friends from different

ussian cities. That’s awesome! Another educational youth camp worth visiting is “Artek”, since it is an international one and many

ussian teens want to check it out, not excluding me.

egarding your brother, what university has he entered? Does he enjoy it? He plans to do a student exchange, doesn’t he?

Sorry, I need to go, my tutor is coming.

Write back.



Words: 134


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