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Эссе про здоровье the most important thing in life is health (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays many people choose as their goal in life anything, but health. It could be love, family, career or self-development. But we always forget about health. Why is that and how important is this?

In my opinion, health plays a really big role in our lives. Firstly, without well-being you cannot work, having fun or doing anything at all. Secondly, and this is a scientific fact, your mood depends on your health. This means that your condition reflects on anything you do.

My opponents may object by saying that your concern about health could be destructive, because it can grow into obsession. Also, the aching part of your body can be cured in 1 day, which means that you do not need to be so concern about your health every second of your life.

Moreover, if you lead a healthy lifestyle, your body does not need constant care.

That may be true, but some illnesses could not be cured with a simple painkiller, because the roots of this illness are much deeper and more serious than you think. And even in 21st century healthy lifestyle could not protect you from any genetic disease, but you can prevent it with a regular body survey.

To sum it up, every person has his or her own preferences in life, but whatever they are, without health you are powerless, which means that health is one of the most important things in life.


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