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With the Internet we no longer need TV пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays the topic of entertainment is considered to be a debatable issue. Some claim that television becoming obsolete, while others think the opposite. Let us reflect who is right.

My personal view is that the Internet has replaced television. First of all, a person can watch his or her favorite TV show at any free time.

esides, streaming television platforms provide the same conditions for broadcasting on the Internet as on TV. Finally, the Internet offers much bigger content which is additionally more interesting than the one TV has.

Nevertheless, there is another side to the problem. Its supporters argue that TV is still necessary for humanity. These people say that there is censorship on TV that bans malicious programs.

It is especially useful for those people who have small children.

esides, people find television more exciting than the Internet because most of the premieres are first shown on television and then posted on the Internet.

All the same, I do not share the above mentioned view. First and foremost, there are also some special applications for children such as parental control which can be installed on the computer. Additionally, shows and films are transmitted by the Internet even earlier than on television on special sites.

To conclude, despite the arguments of various skeptics, I state that nowadays, television does not play a big role, now it’s just not necessary.


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