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Is it more difficult to keep old friends or to make new ones? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, when the question of maintaining friendship has become a matter of heated debates, most people suppose that it is impossible to keep old friends forever whereas others believe that making new acquaintances is much tougher.

Personally, I share the second opinion and, to my mind, making friends with new people can be difficult. First and foremost, it takes quite a long time to find out someone’s personal traits and interests. What is more, some people feel extremely nervous and stressful in the circle of strange faces because their shyness becomes a social barrier for them. In addition, it is necessary to visit overcrowded places in order to cultivate new people but it is complicated to find time for this due to fast-moving lifestyle of almost all city dwellers.

However, opponents of this point of view consider that there is nothing tougher than saving old friendship bonds.

According to this perspective, as time passes by, people’s mutual interests and ways of thinking are constantly changing and they lose a thread of their previous friendship. Besides, it is tiresome to be always in the circle of the same people.

Nevertheless, these arguments do not sound reasonable enough due to the following logical assumptions. Generally, real friends share with each other new things they have caught up. Also, it is better to have one loyal friend who will be always there for you than many slight acquaintances. In conclusion, although opinions may differ, I am sure that keeping old relationships is less difficult. Personally, my best friend and I have been friends for thirteen years now.

265 words.


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