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Education is most important thing a person can have (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There are many possessions that people acquire during their life. They are friends, family, different communication skils and education. Some people consider that education is thesignificant thing in people's life. Others believe that there are more important possessions than education.

I thшnk that education is one of the most important things a person can have. First, education is necessary to get a wellpaid job. Nowadays good education is in high demond. Employers recruit people who have education more willingly. Second, you can work according to your speciality if you have education. For example, you must be educated to be a lawyer, if you want to work in the legal field.

Third, you will have a high social status if you have higher education. And you will be respected in society.

The opponents say that education is not the most important thing in the people's life. They suppose that there are more valuable posessions. For example, family, true friends, creative skills, talents and good environment. Moreover, there are people, who don't have education, but they are very successful.

I disagree with the opponents. We can meet people at the university and you connect your life with these people. And you will develop your talents and creative skills withthe help of education. In addition, not all people can succeed without education.

As a conclusion, I would like to stress that education is a very important possession that will give people a chance to becoming successful.


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