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Domestic appliances improved the quality of our lives (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Living in the 21st century, we can not imagine our lives without domestic appliances. It is our helpers, which are sharing everyday-life with us. So there is an opinion that this kind of technics makes our mode of life easier and better. But some people disagree with this statement and think that it was simpler when everyone did his households by hand.

In my opinion, new technologies definitely help us in different deals everyday. The main dignity of them is time saving. For example, you should not waste hours on dozens of households after main work. if you have special machines for that. Instead of this labour just launch them and wait, they will do everything themselves. Also their quality and possibilities are more higher than human one.

They do better and faster.

On the other hand is the cost of such equipment. Not everyone can afford a new microwave oven, washer machine or other things. Price is a main issue for many people. Their service, additional chemicals make the situation worse too. For some people it is much easier to make all the work on their own and save money.

I can not support this opinion because domestic items save lots of resources like water and electricity. Now there are many models of appliances with different price levels, which sooner or later will pay off their cost.

To sum up, household appliances are a must-have thing in every dorm. Their main target is to make our lives better and more convenient than it was.


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