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Commenting «Lonely Enough for You?» (Английская Литература)

The article under review is “Lonely Enough for You?” by Tony Perrottet.

The article deals with Tony Perottet’s experience connected with his visit to Tasmania. The author brings focuses the reader’s attention on his journey on the untouched landscapes and describes the “lonely enough” journey. The main purpose of the article is to show pros and cons of travelling alone.

The author starts by telling the reader about the conversation he had in which Tasmanian farmer advised him on visiting Twisted Lakes, where he could, according to him, have as much solitude as he wanted. Further, the author reports that on the farmer’s advice he resolved to go on his own to the Cradle Mountain Lake into the savage wilderness. In fact, it took him several days to make it to Cradle Mountain and the scenery that opened to him was amazing and he could literally taste the isolation in the air.

The next morning, he woke up with the inspirational feeling of discovery as the sky was cloudless blue and the park ranger, which he met, pointed out the route to the Twisted Lakes. What is more, when Tony came upon the Twisted Lakes, he understood why Tasmania was considered a hiker’s paradise by Australians, as in the rest of the country they often had to travel for days to notice a change in landscape. Despite the fact of immense amount of landscapes changing, the author was lost and tired, but fortunately, he met some local residents on the way and they helped him to go down the bald rock and finally he stumbled back to his car. The author makes the following conclusion – the journey he had was plenty lonely enough, not to mention the fact it was hard to navigate and he had no communication what so ever.

As a matter of fact, I haven’t travelled enough to clearly state whether travelling alone is good or bad. But it seems to me that the pros of travelling alone shouldn’t be underestimated. For example, while you’re alone, you can face the challenges which you should overcome on your own and you get to choose your own route and the places you want to visit. I think it boost your confidence and is good for well-being, that is why I would highly recommend considering an opportunity to travel like that.


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