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Sport unites people и It is the government’s responsibility to protect the environment (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays so many people are united by their favourite kind of sport. There has always been a dispute between those people who think that sport unites all people in the world and those who think that it is not true.

In my opinion, people find their like-minded allies among fans and athletes. Firstly, team sports bring people together in teams. They have common interests and ambitions and achieve results together. Secondly, both fans and athletes love sports and this unites them, the team tries to win, and the fans support them.

However, there is an opposing point of view that fans support their team and hate other sportsmen.

Actually, athletes are fighting with their opponents and each of them wants to win the main prize.

To a certain extent, it is right but I cannot totally agree with this viewpoint. Fans understand that they all support different teams, but they love the same sport and want to support it.

In conclusion, I think that sport unites all people regardless of whether they are athletes or people who root for them. They all love sports and this love brings people closer.

Nowadays the problem of environmental protection is one of the main ones that the government tries to solve. There has always been a dispute between those people who think that only the government can care about our environment and those who think that it is not true.

In my opinion, the government can help people to take care of our planet. Firstly, the state can control emissions from factories and levy fines for exceeding the established limits. Secondly, the administration can create different organisations that can monitor environmental problems.

However, there is an opposing point of view that all people must keep our planet clean and consume less plastic, which has a bad influence on the environment. You can try to clean forests from rubbish, it will be your contribution to nature protection.

To a certain extent, it is right but I cannot totally agree with this viewpoint. Today we need the help of professionals because the well-being of the population depends on it.

In conclusion, I think that government alone is responsible for the protection of nature and help people to take care of the population’s health.


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