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All children should learn to play a musical instrument (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

13 из 14
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The ability to play musical instruments is considered to be especially important nowadays. Some people claim that every child should be learnt to play a musical instrument, while others hold an opposite view.

Although I should admit that it is an undoubted way of self-development, in my opinion, making all children learn to play a musical instrument is quite ambivalent decision to make as not every kid will need this skill in the future. To begin with, every child born is not a talented musician. For those who do not have a desire and capability to professionally play any musical instrument, it will be arduous to continue learning and, as a matter of fact, will not guarantee any positive results. Also, according to the statistics, every third child who does not have an affinity for music, but forced to learn it, makes minimal progress in other kinds of activities which he or she may be truly interested in.

On the other hand, there are individuals who believe that being able to play any musical instrument is essential for all of kids.

They say that this ability provides you with various opportunities when it comes to choosing your future career.

I strongly disagree with the above mentioned statement. Not every profession such as biologist or physicist requires the skill of playing musical instruments. As we all know, being talented in music is important for singers, songwriters, etc.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I should say that not all children are ought to play musical instruments. Every kid is completely different and may have other passions and interests apart from music.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 3 балла

Коммуникативная задача успешно решена, но автору следует обратить внимание на два аспекта. Во-первых, объём сочинения (270 слов) близок к верхней критической отметке (275 слов), т.е. при добавлении ещё нескольких слов возможна потеря баллов. Во-вторых, автор допускает использование слова kid, которое относится к разговорному стилю. Необходимо заменить данное слово на нейтральное child. Можно также использовать словосочетание young person.

К2 (организация текста) – 3 балла

Текст организован логически корректно и верно разделён на абзацы. Все требующиеся средства логической связи присутствуют.

К3 (лексика) – 3 балла

1) being talented in music is important for singers – being talented in music is only important for singers [Рекомендуется дополнить предложение словом only для более ясного выражения мысли о необходимости музыкальных навыков лишь в ограниченном числе профессий];

2) Taking into consideration all mentioned aboveTaking into consideration all of the above [Исправленный вариант звучит более естественно и намного чаще встречается в аутентичных текстах].

К4 (грамматика) – 2 балла

1) every child should be learnt to play – every child should learn/be taught to play [Неверно использована форма страдательного залога глагола learn. Следует сказать либо should learn, либо should be taught];

2) is quite ambivalent decision – is quite an ambivalent decision [Требуется артикль];

3) but forced to learn it – but is forced to learn it [Необходимо добавить is для корректного построения фразы в страдательном залоге];

4) for all of kidsfor all kids;

5) all children are ought to playall children ought to play [Глагол be перед глаголом ought to не нужен].

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 2 балла

the above mentioned statement – the above-mentioned statement [Слово пишется через дефис].

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