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A person who is fluent in a foreign language can teach it пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

9 из 14
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Nowadays a lot of people can speak foreign languages. Someone think that one with high level of non-native language is able to explain it easily to other people. Others are sure that fluency cannot give you a guarantee of your good education.

I strongly believe that a person who is fluency in a foreign language have problems with teaching it others. Firstly, if one is fluency in any language like native speaker, he/she can not remember important rules or foget them. He cannot know how explain all points properly. Secondly, teaching is a complicated process. You should find individual way for your student and know amount of information. That is why couching is not simple.

However, there is another point of view on this issue.

People consider that fluency is a guarantee for easy teaching, because a person, who are learning through the communication with someone like native speaker does it as a child. He/she will be as fluency as her/him teaches, because kids is educated by their parents at the same way.

Nevertheless, I do not support this opinion, because children learn a single things from the society of native speakers around them, later they need to attend a school and study more rules, specialities of their language. Even if a person is fluency in foreign language, he or she can not explain all information about the language easy and understandable.

All in all, I would like to say that a good level in foreign language is important but education and teaching are complicated and required for perfect knowledges.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 – РКЗ.2/3

Не выражена дискуссионность темы. (while/question is still debatable...)

You should find individual way for your student and know amount of information(Нарушение нейтрального стиля. Мы не используем в эссе личные местоимения You/your...))KOM]

К2 – организация.3/3

К3 – лексика.2/3

because a person, who are learning through the communication (who is studying)

specialities of their language(features)

К4 – грамматика.0/3

Someone think(Someone - единственное число, поэтому thinkS)

a person who is fluency(fluency - a noun. FLUENT)

if one is fluency(fluency - a noun. FLUENT)

He cannot know how explain(How TO explain)

know amount of information.(THE amount)

because a person, who are learning through the communication (a person who IS)

He/she will be as fluency as her/him teaches(FLUENT)

He/she will be as fluency as her/him teaches(HIS)

because kids is educated by their parents at the same way.(kids ARE educated)

children learn a single things(артикль "а" используется только с единственным числом. "Things" - множественное).

Even if a person is fluency (FLUENT)

perfect knowledges.(Knowledge. У этого существительного нет множественного числа).

К5 – орфография и пунктуация.2/2

That is why couching is not simple.(coaching)

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