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Many people believe that taking part in sports is very beneficial to young people, so all teenagers should take part in at least one (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays the issue of sports causes great argument and controversy. Some people believe that sports are very useful to teenagers, while others think that there is no necessity in taking part even in at least one. Let us consider both opinions.

In my opinion, physical activity is very beneficial to young people. To begin with, sport can help you to be healthy. If you do sports you will not get diseases like obesity or hypodynamia. What is more, you can make more friends joining some teams. Additionally, physical exercises help to be disciplined. They take some time and you will schedule your days.

However, there is another point of view on this issue exists. First of all, sports can really harm your health. If you work too hard you will not feel good after the training.

Another fact is that, some teenagers are so emotional. They may be upset by failure in sports.

Nevertheless, I can not agree with this statement because you can talk with a doctor about your contraindications. Moreover, it is silly to stop training if something does not work out. Sport builds your character.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the issue of sport is still to be discussed. I believe that doing sports is necessary for young people. Nonetheless, one should analyze and compare all pros and cons before making a proper decision how to relate to sports.

At many schools, it is compulsory for pupils to wear a uniform. This is much better than letting students wear their own clothes to school

Nowadays the issue of school uniform causes great argument and controversy. Some people think that it is necessary, while others believe that uniform is not the most important part of getting education. Let us consider both opinions.

In my opinion, school uniform has no sense. To begin with, all children have their own style. School uniform may restrict individuality. What is more, it is very uncomfortable and it is too hard to wear this kind of clothes all day. Additionally, identical appearance of children makes school atmosphere stricter than it is.

However, there is another point of view on this issue exists. First of all, children from poor families will feel themselves confident if others wear the same clothes. Another fact is that, uniform helps to be disciplined. You will never be late because you will always know what to wear to school.

Nevertheless, I can not agree with this statement because there are many things that can discriminate people despite clothes. Majority of children has expensive phones and school accessories. Because of that children from poor families will still feel unhappy. Moreover, you can prepare the clothes you will wear next day beforehand.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the issue of school uniform is still to be discussed. I believe that this kind of clothes can not be compulsory. Nonetheless, one should analyze and compare all pros and cons before making a proper decision how to relate to uniform.


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