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Playing video games is a complete waste of time example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is no denying the fact that people cannot imagine their life without modern gadgets. Some people claim that playing video games is a useless pastime while others think that spending time for computer games is a good entertainment.

From my point of view, playing video games is a great kind of hobby. Firstly, it calms people down. Spending time this way helps them to relax after difficult day at school or work. Moreover, it allows to let out aggression and avoid stressful situations in the real life. Secondly, computer games develop your imagination and improve strategic skills. Besides, it lets immerse in another life and create your own world.

However, some people believe that playing video games is an unhelpful passion.

It takes a lot of spare time. As a result, this entertainment may be an addiction and effect badly on the people’s health, both mentally and physically.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this opinion because a person should control every process in his or her life, pastime is not an exception. In addition, computer games are similar. So after a while, they become boring and uninteresting.

Taking everything into consideration, there are two opposing opinions about video games. As I see it, playing computer games is a nice pastime which helps to relax and have fun.

So, that's all I wanted to say about this topic. Thank you very much for your attention! I hope, my composition was really helpful.


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