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To Kill A Mockingbird  (Английская Литература)

  Not long ago I read a book called “To Kill A Mockingbird”. As you all know it was written by a very famous author Harper Lee. She was an American novelist, author of two fiction books: “To Kill a Mockingbird” and “Go Set a Watchman”. She was born in 1926 and died in the beginning of this year at the age of 89. 

  Her most famous novel (“To Kill a Mockingbird”) was first published in the USA in 1960. It was really successful and won the Pulitzer Prize in 1961. 

  Now, lets pass over to the story itself. 

  The story takes place in the 1930s, in Alabama, which is a southern state. As you know, that time there were a lot of prejudice against black people. And this book tell us about Tom Robinson - a man, who was thought to be a criminal.

Although he hasn't done anything wrong, people believed he was guilty just because he was black. The narrator's father, Atticus Finch, is a lawyer who tries to defend Tom Robinson. Atticus closes his eyes to the fact that people consider him to be crazy because of his attempts to win the case and save Tom. Even his family (except his children) doesn't support his heroism. 

  Although serious problems like racism and rape are described, the atmosphere of this novel is very warm, probably, mostly because the narrator is a child. I really enjoyed this book, but, I think, I might have enjoyed it more if one of my classmates hadn't told me a spoiler. 

  I'd like to recommend this book to anyone, but, in my opinion, to get the idea, you have to be aware of what the situation was like in the 1930s in the USA. 


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