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Urgent problem: serious diseases (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, there is a big problem connected with serious diseases such as cancer, AIDS, heart and vessel problems and some others. Many people have already died because of them and there are a lot of patients that are going to die in the near future. So, modern scientists are trying to find a cure and to help dying people. 

The number of people who suffer from one of these diseases is growing extremely fast. For example, every year 6 million people become cancer patients. Unfortunately, scientists haven’t found the cure but they can help to avoid many death by giving patients some medicine at the early stage of disease. That’s why it is really important to pay a lot of attention to your health, so the disease can be found until it’s too late.

How would it help the humankind if scientists finally find the cure? The answer is obvious: that would be a marvel of modern science that would allow more people to get over serious diseases and stay alive.

They would be happy to live, their families would be happy to see them alive and well. As I have already said, the number of cancer patients grows every year for 6 million. Most of them can be dead by the end of the year, others can live a little longer, but everyone knows that people with serious diseases don’t have much time. We all die in the end, but serious diseases can shorten those days we have and to my mind, it’s not honest (especially in the case with sick children). So, are the scientists trying to bring the justice into this world? I reckon, yes, they are, in a special way.  

Thus, if the scientists find the cure of any of serious diseases, they would save a lot of people and make them happy. Moreover, they would bring the justice and help people to live as many days as they are supposed to. 


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