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Breakfast at Tiffany's (Английская Литература)

Book report

Last month I read a book that I assume most of you have heard of. It is a novella called “Breakfast at Tiffany's” that was written by an american author Truman Capote. 

First of all, I'd like to tell you some information about the author. Truman Capote was born in 1924 and died 59 years later. He is famous for two of his works: “Breakfast at Tiffany's” and “In Cold Blood”. He was friends with Harper Lee, the author of “To Kill a Mockingbird”, who helped him with writing the book “In Cold Blood”. According to Capote, Harper Lee based one of the characters in her most famous book on him. 

So now let's pass over to the story. The action takes place in New-York, in 1940s.

The narrator moves into an apartment building, where he meets his neighbor - Holly Golightly. Holly leads a curious lifestyle: she doesn't have a job, but dreams of becoming rich. She hopes to marry a wealthy man, many of which she meets at different parties, or, for example, thanks to her acquaintance, Mag Wildwood. Throughout the book, we learn more and more about Holly, her personality and her past. We watch her struggling to find her place in the world, but in the end, neither the narrator, nor we learn if Holly found her happiness. 

As far as I understand, one of the main things that the author speaks about in this book is freedom and independence. The story is practically based on a contrast: the narrator represents stability, while Holly is constantly escaping responsibilities and getting attached to anyone or anything. She is independent, the best example of this is her cat: Holly doesn't give a name to the cat, because, as she says, the cat doesn't belong to her. Holly is free, but at the same time you may say that she is just afraid of responsibility and settling down. 


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