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It is believed that young people today are not as healthy as they were fifty years ago (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is no single opinion if nowadays humans’ fitness can be compared to half a century ago one. Some people think that people have kept their healthiness through the years while others consider that humanity has become less healthy.

I adhere to the opinion that humanity enjoys good health this century. To start with, in the last dozens of years there has been developed lots of new technologies to build up a person which are widespread now. Up-to-date exercise machines in ubiquitous gyms and out of them can fit any person notwithstanding his schedule and lifestyle. Moreover, highly-developed medicine today helps to cure diseases which were considered terminal just over fifty years ago.

However, some people claim that nowadays people’s health is declining.

They name the inclination to eating fast food the main cause of it. Such people say in earnest that people have no time to cook healthy food. What is more, they add that the health of an average contemporary human is undermined by lack of physical activities in a lifestyle. People, from their perspective, cannot have such activities properly because of remarkable growth in number of professions which implicate sedentary way of work.

Still I cannot agree with that opinion. In XXI century we can observe a fad on healthy way of life. Visiting gyms or cutting down fast food is now a steady trend which everybody should keep to.

All in all, there is no need to be worked up about deteriorating of contemporary humans’ fitness. Despite being tempted by fast food and couch potato way of life they keep fit thanks to modern technologies, cutting-edge medicine and latest trends.


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